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Sep 07, 2021
In General Discussions
Ok I’m about to go there. Supplements. Yep, it is a hot topic in the health, wellness, fitness industry. And I can see why! There are so many out there it’s hard to tell what’s good and what’s not. Are they good for you or bad for you? Why you should or shouldn’t take them. And I agree with all the statements. I feel the same way. However, I am on the train. I do take supplements. Reason being. I have such a hard time getting it all in through food sources. I try. But it’s just hard for me. And then when you throw in trying to cut down you essentially cut out things you really don’t mean to. So for me, I supplement. I will discuss soon what I add in and why I do. What I would love to hear are your thoughts of what’s and whys. Again I know this is a hot topic, so let’s be kind. I want to hear all’s options but no bashing allowed. So send them on!
Aug 29, 2021
In General Discussions
How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was Jeeptastic!!
Aug 27, 2021
In General Discussions
Man this is a hard one. For me that is. I am so used to going. Having some kind of noise in the background. Something to keep my mind busy. But here is what I am learning. People with self diagnosed ADD do not need that much stimulation. We need a timeout. Alone with thoughts. Or we need to fill our thoughts with fiction books. Lol Being content with my own thoughts instead of the thoughts put in my head by social media is a game changer. What is something you have had to learn to be happy with?
Learning to be content content media
Aug 26, 2021
In General Discussions
Seriously people I need to get back in the woods. Between the heat and adulting it’s be a no go. I never thought I would rush summer, but my gals that don’t like the heat, we need fall so we can get moving! I miss the ease of being outside. I need the fresh air. I need the sunshine on my skin. I need the sweet sound of nature. I need all the trail snacks. It is so sad that we haven’t been anywhere this summer! We can’t let that happen this fall. Time to start making plans girls! What have y’all missed this summer?
Withdrawals  content media
Aug 25, 2021
In General Discussions
This is where I am! Cruising with the top down, hair flying everywhere and just trying to live my best life. It took a while, and I still have my moments where I care just way to darn much, but just not as often as before. Blame it on age if you want, but I am taking the credit instead. It was and still is and will always be hard work to live for yourself. Oh but the reward For putting in the work. Let you hair fly ladies. It will be so liberating!
0 F’s given content media
Aug 24, 2021
In General Discussions
What is your daily must have? Like you might loose it if you miss it? I’ll go first.
Must have…… content media
Aug 24, 2021
In General Discussions
Who on here has thought about disconnecting a time or two? Who has randomly thought about a life before social media? The answer is me! I can barley remember but I remember. It was so much simpler then. Now don’t get me wrong, I still love social media, but it now serves a per Purpose. Now it’s used to connect with like minded women. Ones that have a purpose and a passion for life. The ones that build each other up, not tear us down. It is used to showcase beautiful women,children, farms, and families. So if you like Social Media for the connection and not the drama, let’s use this new platform. It’s where we can check in with our friends and not get sucked down a rabbit hole. Whatta say? You in with me. It may not work, but I’m so willing to try!
Getting disconnected content media
Aug 23, 2020
In General Discussions
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